ICE's choice for UFT President Read his full bio here.
James Eterno and Camille Johnson Eterno speak out against the closing of Jamaica HS
A word about Ednotes
If we don't link readers over to Ednotes all the time, it's because blog author Norm Scott, one of the 20 or 25 founding members of ICE, puts up new posts two or three times a day.
Whatever he says over there is relevant and most probably in sync with the ICE agenda.
Why only most probably? Because the ICE caucus is what its name says: a group of independent educators who think generally along the same progressive lines when it comes to education and union activity.
Scott's knowledge of the NYC ed world is comprehensive, and we're grateful for his insight, quick wit, and tireless blitzkrieg on the shortcomings of Unity caucus.
Search This Blog
Follow this link to view what we think the union should be fighting for.
The November 2008 ATR rally debacle
View Norm Scott's videos Part I here and Part II here of the rally Weingarten and her Unity lackeys sabotaged a year ago down at Tweed. Instead of meeting up with the protesters as planned, Weingarten invited all the ATRs down to UFT HQ for an "informational" wine-and-cheese party at exactly the same time.
They even directed people getting off the subway at Tweed to walk down to 52 Broadway instead.
See Michael Mulgrew speaking at UFT HQ at 4:25 p.m. while the rest of us were protesting BloomKlein's brutality.
This is not union leadership. It is playing games with our careers and livelihood.
ICERs protest the loss of teacher, parent and student rights
"Put the public back in Public Education"
Think-tank discussions
Protesting against the last contract
Norm does Les Mis
Protesting against school closings (May 14, 2008)
"There are a multitude of paths to the rubber room."
Click on the picture above to see the Rubber Room Movie trailer.
Protesting money spent on wars
Supporting the Stella D'Oro workers
Protesting the Charter School invasion at PS 123 in Manhattan
To Borough Prez Scott Stringer: "If the public schools had been properly funded, do you think we'd be dealing with charter schools? I'd like you to address that."
Protesting the charter school invasion at PS 160 in the Bronx
"You cannot say put charter schools where public schools are failing, because [BloomKlein is] CAUSING them to fail!"
Upcoming UFT Election is Discussed at ICE Meeting
Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024 - Merry Xmas and Happy Hanukkah!
Submitted by Norm Scott
ICE had an excellent discussion on the UFT election Sunday night with ...
The lawsuits — googled for clarity
The first meeting of the UFT’s newly constituted Retired Teachers Chapter
took place this past week — the rundown of which you will *not* find on its
Vote NO on the UFT Contract. Here is Why:
The best reason to vote no on this contract is this: UFT Unity* lied* to us
in 2018. They misrepresented that contract. It was predicated on deals we
Washington Post's Yellow Journalism
Compare these to headlines.
From their email alert:
*Russian hackers penetrated U.S. electricity grid through a utility in
Vermont. *
compared to their...
Brill, Get the Real Story Straight
What follows is the response TAGNYC sent to the editors of The New Yorker
magazine re: Steven Brill's article: "Klein and the NYC Teachers." Of
course, TAG...